Resources for Residents

As residents of Healdsburg and beautiful Sonoma County, the changes we make in our personal habits are extremely important. Our actions can protect our coastline and help the City of Healdsburg reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in an equitable manner, securing a livable world for future generations.

“Our concern is simple: most people in the world remain disengaged, and we need a way forward that engages the majority of humanity.

Regeneration is an inclusive and effective strategy compared to combating, fighting, or mitigating climate change.  

Regeneration creates, builds, and heals.

—-Paul Hawken

  1. Visit the Regeneration website to learn more about actions we can all take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  2. Sign up for the Waggle Newsletter to learn about all the progress being made around the world.

  3. Download the app Climate Action Now to take immediate local, state and national action.

  4. Listen to a climate podcast such as Climate One, Generation Dread, or the Climate Denier’s Playbook.


Join Climate Action Healdsburg’s Mailing List to find out about our next meeting or explore participation in one or more of our action groups. Fill out the form below and one of our volunteers will get back to you.